I'm WAY behind on my blogging game and I will get better. I promise.
I am a major Twitter addict. It's my favorite social networking site. My tweeps (people I follow) are some of the most creative, positive, and motivating in Twitterland. One of my favorite stylish Tweeps,
The Style Master, nominated me for a Kreativ Blogger award last month (Hush! I said I was behind on my blogging game. #dontjudgeme)
Thanks Style Master for the award!!!
When a blogger receives the Kreativ Blogger award they have to:
1. List 7 things that you don’t already know about me.
2. Name 7 other blogs to receive this award.
3. Leave a comment on each of the blogs I nominated.
4. Thank the person who gave you the award.
7 things you MAY NOT know about me:
1. I listen to all genres of music. If my iPod is on shuffle you'll get a mix of Jay-Z, Hector Lavoe, vintage Diana Ross, Vivaldi, Michael Jackson, Pearl Jam, Snoop, Bebel Gilberto, Ryan Leslie... You get the point. I love music. Good music that is.
2. After every yoga class, I fall asleep. Not just a short nap but a deep sleep. So much for reaching my zen, lol!
3. As much as I love makeup, I'm no expert at application. I usually have my face done at a MAC or Nars counter for special events.
4. There's a good chance I'm the only Chicagoan with zero home town love or loyalty. Honestly Chicago does nothing for me *Kanye shrug*
5. I sometimes google old boyfriends and cackle with delight at how pathetic their lives are.
6. Last month I thought an apartment in my building was being broken into and I was impressed with how quickly I reacted. I grabbed a basket of magazines and tipped it over in front of the door. I grabbed my purse, cell phone, and Minnie Mouse blanket and hid inside my walk-in closet. I called 911 and was told that someone already called. Luckily it wasn't a break-in just a domestic dispute. While I was in the closet, I envisioned myself going all Charlie's Angels on the robbers. A flying kick here, a throat punch there. Yeah, 100% bad ass! Lol!
7. I'm a perfectionist and a control freak. Some see those traits as flaws, I think they're personality quirks that keep me on my toes always striving for the best.
Okay, I'm giving awarding the Kreativ Blogger Award to:
Haute & Hair (@TrendySocialte) - My BFF. This chica knows hair!
ChiTown Fashionista (@ShoeLovaDotCom) - Fellow Chicago blogger just as fashion obsessed as I am.
Haute Travels (@HauteTravels) -The best mix of beauty, fashion, and travel in a blog.
LuxeTips (@LuxeTips) - Tips on living the luxe life written by a luxe mom on the go.
Mischo Beauty (@MischoBeauty) - Great site for beauty, skin, and hair information.
Fatback & Sushi (@RuralGlamour) - A quirky lifestyle blog with a unique twist.